He was taken prisoner in North Africa in 1942. 他于1942年在北非被俘。
We will finally have to redefine our relationship with neighbouring states in north Africa 我们最终将不得不重新界定我们和北非邻国的关系。
The term is used at various localities in North africa, includes beds ranging from Carboniferous to early cretaceous. 在北非不同的地方使用这个名称,包括从石炭纪到早白垩世的地层。
Foreign investors worry about corruption, mismanagement and security problems across North Africa and the Middle East. 外国投资者都担心北非和中东的腐败、管理不善和安全问题。
And so we believe those same sectarian conflicts can be overcome in the Middle East and North Africa. 因此我们相信,中东和北非那些同样的宗派冲突是可以克服的。
And he came to love and respect the people of North Africa and the Middle East. 他对北非和中东人民的感情和敬意油然而生。
The number also fell in North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. 这个数据同样在北非、拉丁美洲和加勒比有所下降。
President Obama discussed the political unrest in the Middle East and North Africa in a speech Thursday in Washington. 奥巴马周四在华盛顿的一次演讲中谈到了中东和北非的政治动荡。
It swept through North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. 这场瘟疫席卷了北非、中东和欧洲。
It also wants to boost its presence in North Africa in Algeria, Morocco and Egypt. 雅高还希望扩大在阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥和埃及等北非国家的业务。
U.S.advantage routes: South Africa, East Africa: North Africa: West Africa; 我们的优势航线:南非、东非:北非:西非;
Fern of North Africa and Azores and Canary islands. 分布在北非、亚速尔和加那利群岛的蕨类。
Small to medium-sized evergreen shrubs of southern Europe and North Africa. 南欧和北非小型至中型常绿灌木的一个属。
Egypt is the biggest of the nations hit by recent protests in North Africa and the Middle East. 在最近爆发群众抗议的北非和中东各国中,埃及是遭受打击最严重的国家。
Ubiquitous in all but very acid soil; most of Europe ( except Arctic Caucasus) and North Africa. 在除酸性土壤以外的土壤中普遍生长;生长在欧洲大部(北极的高加索地区除外)和北非。
Bank for Economic Cooperation and Development in the Middle East and North Africa 中东和北非经济合作与发展银行
In other regions, including Asia and North Africa, even greater headway has been made. 在包括亚洲和北非在内的其他地区,取得的进展甚至更大。
In the Near East and North Africa, the prevalence of hunger is low, but it is increasing. 在近东和北非,饥饿率较低,但是饥饿率正在增加。
Freshwater duck of Eurasia and North Africa related to mallards and teals. 欧亚大陆和非洲北部的淡水鸭,与绿头鸭和短颈野鸭有亲缘关系。
Yemen and Jordan have the most severe water shortages in the Middle East and North Africa. 在中东与北非地区,也门和约旦的水资源短缺问题最严重。
Its dramatic mountains and barren deserts have spewed forth conquerors who ruled North Africa and Spain. 在它的崇山峻岭和荒凉的沙漠中曾经涌现出统治北非和西班牙的征服者。
SANDSTORM LEAVING NORTH AFRICA TOWARDS THE ATLANTIC – CANARY ISLAND. a country in the northern Leeward Islands. 大漠的风沙正离开刚刚肆虐过的北非,一路弥漫着冲向大西洋中的加纳利群岛。加勒比海背风群岛北部的一个国家。
It eats dry grass and bushes and it lives in deserts and plains in North Africa and Asia. 它吃干草和灌木,它生活在北非和亚洲的沙漠和草原。
Recent developments in the Middle East and North Africa remind us that the pursuit of liberty endures. 最近中东和北非的事态发展提醒我们,对自由的追求永不止息。
Sorghums of dry regions of Asia and North Africa. 亚洲和北非干燥地区的高粱物种。
My father, and not I, served in North Africa, Italy and Burma, I said. 我说,我父亲、不是我,当时是在北非、意大利和缅甸服役。
This is now changing as youth-inspired uprisings spread to other countries in North Africa and the Middle East. 随着这些青年起义活动向北非和中东其它国家蔓延,上述情况正在发生变化。
Fair participants hailed from sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. 展示会参赛者来自撒哈拉以南非洲、中东和北非、南亚、欧洲和中亚以及拉美和加勒比等地区。
The company said: We see the Middle East and north Africa region as particularly important for Baidu. 百度表示:我们认为,中东和北非对于百度尤其重要。
One-humped camel of the hot deserts of North Africa and southwestern Asia. 非洲北部和亚洲西南部炎热的沙漠中有一个肉峰的骆驼。